Friday, November 16, 2018

Your Venture's Unfair Advantage

1. Location 
  • V: extremely valuable, this piece of land would be able accommodate a wide range of students covering a wide area
  • R: this is one of the few undeveloped pieces of land left in this area of Gainesville 
  •  I: considering only this land is up for grabs, it is not going to be very easy to imitate
  • N: there are no other options to this land for this parking garage 
2. UF Construction School 
  • V: this is an extremely important possible asset. the construction school can be the working force behind building this garage and would be benefitting the current students who get to work on this project
  • R: being that not many places have a construction school near by this feature is extremely rare 
  •  I: there are other surrounding construction companies capable of building this garage but no others will also be benefitting UF students
  • N: nothing can substitute the dedication and desire to learn than college students 
3. Customer Knowledge
  • V: this is very valuable because without understanding the true need of the customer base then the urgency is gone
  • R: this is not rare among college students but among common investors and construction company having a solid customer knowledge for college students is rare
  •  I: not easy to imitate unless paying attention to the most minute details for a prolonged period of time 
  • N: this is not able to be substituted, knowledge of the customers is extremely beneficial 
4. Possible Investors
  • V: very valuable without investors and the funds to make this happen it won't 
  • R: given that the Gainesville area is in a surge for building and growing investors will be more likely to invest
  •  I: cannot be imitated an investor is irreplaceable 
  • N: cannot be substituted for anything because without the funds to build the project will not begin
5. Time
  • V: especially in today's time where everyone seems to always be on a time crunch, time is extremely valuable 
  • R: rare among college students but when there is time to complete a task its rare 
  •  I: cannot be imitated because full attention is not replaceable 
  • N: time is necessary to complete this so there is nothing that can stand in place of it 
6. Dedication
  • V: remaining dedicated and focused will allow this project to be completed as soon and safely as possible, these attributes are extremely valuable 
  • R: it can be hard to find a team that is extremely dedicated and set on one common goal 
  •  I: this quality cannot be imitated but rather perfected over the years 
  • N: having a dedicated team cannot be substituted and if not present will result in shoddy procrastinated work 
7. Community Support
  • V: this is extremely important in a new and big project, through the community supporting the project all obstacles will seem easier
  • R: rare but given the product the community should be accepting with open arms 
  •  I: cannot be imitated, community support leads to a happy project 
  • N: cannot be replaced for any other quality or ideology because when a community stands together it is unstoppable 
8. Customers in Line
  • V: this is very valuable to be able to persuade investors more easily and have the teams shoot for a goal as there are customers desperately in need of this service and ready to pay
  • R: in a college town where students tend to not want to spend money, having these customers ready to pay is very rare
  •  I: cannot be imitated by another service because there is only one solution to not having parking
  • N: irreplaceable because until there is more parking spots allocated the problem will still be there
9. Technology
  • V: very valuable because how much easier it makes the project and marketing for the future product 
  • R: although its not necessarily rare having technology to support a project is extremely helpful 
  •  I: cannot be imitated by any other feature because technology is specific to every scenario
  • N: irreplaceable because technology has made almost every daily task tremendously easier
10. Employee Base
  • V: having an employee base that is eager to work and in need of money is extremely valuable 
  • R: it is rare to find enough people to be able to complete a project in a reasonable amount of time
  •  I: cannot be imitated by any other capital
  • N: although technology can cross over the lines of employment nothing can replace the human workforce

The top resource would be the land and its location. Given that Gainesville, especially around the UF campus area has been expanding and growing exponentially over the past few months, locking in and saving this land for a parking garage is the most valuable, rare, least easily imitated, and nonreplacable of all the resources. Without the land and location none of the other resources truly matter. 

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